Is There Even A Way To Be Tested for Autism Spectrum Disorder Online As An Adult For Free?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple, streamlined way to get an official autism diagnosis online? How much time it would save to simply fill out a questionnaire and voila you finally have the answer to the question “am I autistic?”. Unfortunately an official and recognized adult autism survey doesn’t exist. However, due to the recent increase of information about neurodivergence , adult autism spectrum disorder tests online have become available. In this blog we will be sharing some of the websites where individuals who believe that they may be autistic can take a casual survey or test. Keeping in mind that none of these options will qualify as an official diagnosis and include the disclaimer that they are for entertainment and self-knowledge discovery only

1. The Aspie Quiz

The Aspie Quiz website is an online platform designed to provide individuals with insights into neurodivergent traits, particularly those associated with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a subtype of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The quiz is a self-assessment tool created by RDOS (Ritvo Autism Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale-Revised), and it offers a series of questions to help users explore and understand certain characteristics commonly associated with autism.

2. The Cambridge Autism Research Centre’s Website

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is a self-assessment tool available on the Cambridge Autism Research Centre’s website. Developed by researchers, the AQ aims to provide individuals with insights into potential autistic traits they may possess. This online questionnaire consists of a series of questions that cover various aspects related to social behaviors, communication patterns, and sensory sensitivities. It’s important to understand that while the AQ can offer valuable self-reflection, it does not replace a professional diagnosis and should be used as a starting point for discussions with healthcare providers.

3. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is a self-assessment tool accessible here. This questionnaire is designed to provide individuals with a preliminary understanding of their potential autistic traits. The AQ covers a range of questions related to social interactions, communication preferences, and sensory experiences. It is essential to recognize that the AQ is not a diagnostic tool, but rather a resource for personal reflection. For an accurate assessment and diagnosis, consulting with healthcare professionals specializing in autism spectrum disorders is recommended.

More Online Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment Quizzes for Adults

In our searching for all of the best online testing for autistic spectrum disorder in adults we came across a great website that catalogues all of the best assessments and resources. This website is called

Embrace Autism is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing support and information for individuals on the autism spectrum. This website offers a wealth of articles, guides, and personal narratives, fostering a community-driven platform that celebrates neurodiversity. Embrace Autism is committed to promoting understanding, acceptance, and empowerment for those navigating the unique experiences associated with autism. Whether seeking guidance, community connection, or educational content, Embrace Autism stands as a valuable hub for individuals, families, and allies on the autism spectrum journey.

Things to Consider Before Taking An Online Assessment for Autism As An Adult

Taking an online assessment can be a preliminary step for self-reflection and may provide insights into certain characteristics associated with autism. These assessments can be a starting point for individuals who are curious about their neurodivergent traits. However, it’s important to consider the following:

  1. Not a Substitute for Professional Diagnosis: Online assessments are not diagnostic tools. A formal diagnosis should be obtained from qualified healthcare professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, who specialize in autism spectrum disorders.
  2. Variability in Accuracy: The accuracy of online assessments can vary, and results may not always reflect an accurate representation of an individual’s experiences. Different assessments may focus on different aspects of autism, and interpretations should be cautious.
  3. Limited Scope: Online assessments may not capture the full spectrum of autistic experiences and may not consider individual nuances. A professional evaluation involves a comprehensive assessment of various factors.
  4. Personal Exploration: Online assessments can be valuable for personal exploration and reflection. They may prompt individuals to seek further discussions with healthcare professionals or provide insights for self-understanding.
  5. Use as a Conversation Starter: If considering an assessment, view it as a conversation starter with healthcare providers. Share your results and use them as a basis for discussing your experiences and concerns.

Ultimately, while online assessments can offer initial insights, they should not be relied upon as conclusive evidence. Seeking a professional diagnosis ensures a thorough evaluation, leading to accurate understanding and appropriate support.

You may be wondering… do I even need an official Autism diagnosis if I already believe I have autism??

Like all things there are pros and cons to being formally diagnosed. We’ve broken down the pros and cons for you to consider, keeping in mind your own preferences and reason for pursing a diagnosis to begin with.

Pros of Getting a Formal Autism Diagnosis:

  1. Clarity and Understanding:
    • A formal diagnosis provides clarity, helping individuals and their families understand the specific neurodivergent traits and challenges associated with autism.
  2. Access to Support Services:
    • With an official diagnosis, individuals may gain access to a range of support services, therapies, and interventions tailored to their unique needs.
  3. Educational Accommodations:
    • In educational settings, a formal diagnosis can lead to accommodations and support, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible learning environment.
  4. Validation and Self-Acceptance:
    • For many individuals, a diagnosis can be a validating experience, confirming their experiences and fostering self-acceptance within the context of neurodiversity.
  5. Legal and Workplace Accommodations:
    • In certain countries, a formal diagnosis may facilitate legal and workplace accommodations, ensuring fair treatment and access to necessary support.

Cons of Getting a Formal Autism Diagnosis:

  1. Stigma and Misunderstanding:
    • Despite increasing awareness, there can still be stigma and misunderstanding associated with autism. Some individuals may face societal biases or discrimination.
  2. Emotional Impact:
    • Receiving a diagnosis may bring about a range of emotions, including relief, but also potential stress or anxiety. It’s a personal process that can vary for each individual.
  3. Financial Costs:
    • Seeking a formal diagnosis can involve financial costs, including assessments and consultations. This can be a barrier for some individuals, depending on healthcare systems and insurance coverage.
  4. Labeling Concerns:
    • Some individuals may be concerned about the labeling associated with a formal diagnosis, fearing it could impact how others perceive them.
  5. Access to Services:
    • In some regions, access to support services may be limited or dependent on specific diagnostic criteria, potentially creating challenges for those who may not meet certain thresholds.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a formal diagnosis is a personal one, and individuals should carefully weigh the pros and cons based on their unique circumstances and needs. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, therapists, and support networks can aid in making informed choices.

At the end of the day accepting that formal Online Testing For Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults is simply not available. However, if you believe that you might have autism and are eager to find out for your own purposes the assessment links provided above should provide you with a bit more insight. If your goal is to be officially diagnosed you will need to visit a professional health care provider and be referred to a therapist.