5 Things Every Late Autism Discovery Adult Suffering From Burnout Needs to Know

1.You’re Not Alone:

It’s important to know that many autistic adults have experienced burnout, feeling really tired and overwhelmed. You’re not the only one, and there’s a community that understands and supports you.

Resources: How to Find A Support Group For Adults With Autism Struggling With Burnout

    2. Coping Strategies Can Help:

    Learning ways to cope is key. Simple strategies like taking breaks, finding quiet spaces, and expressing your feelings can make a big difference in managing burnout.

    Resources: 6 Proven Strategies for Autistic Burnout To Help You Recover

      3. Therapy Can Help But It Is Not Your Only Option

      Talking to a therapist or counsellor who understands autism can be really helpful. They can provide tools and strategies personalised for your needs to make the recovery journey smoother.

      Resources: Navigating The Unique Challenge of Finding A Therapist As An Autistic Adult

      4. Setting Goals Will Help You Monitor Your Recovery

      It’s okay to take things step by step. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small achievements can boost your confidence and make the recovery process more manageable

        5. It Is Okay To Ask for Support

        Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s from friends, family, or support groups, having a network of people who understand and care can provide the encouragement needed during the recovery process.

        Resources: How to Find A Support Group For Adults With Autism Struggling With Burnout

          Looking for Resources & Support Read The Blog

          We have a blog full of wonderful articles relating to late autistic discovery and burnout recovery.

          Free Online Testing For Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults

          Free Online Testing For Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults

          Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple, streamlined way to get an official autism diagnosis online? How much time it would save to simply fill out a questionnaire and voila you finally have the answer to the question “am I autistic?”. Unfortunately an official and recognized adult autism survey doesn’t exist.